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golden lotus中文是什么意思

用"golden lotus"造句"golden lotus"怎么读"golden lotus" in a sentence


  • 金瓶双艳


  • Women images in the water margin and the golden lotus
  • Cultural irony revealed in the snow scene described in the golden lotus
  • Golden lotus collects 1 , 750 for disaster relief in nyc , d . c
    金莲素食餐厅募集了1 , 750元美金
  • Blooming like golden lotus flowers
  • Ingredient : golden lotus oil is good for antistress , relief the exhaustion and balancing your mind
  • The golden lotus . he was also a painter , writer and collector of qing dynasty artifacts
  • Some of his cherished titles include the kingdom and the beauty , the empress dowager , the warlord and the golden lotus
  • Hence the example of ximen qing in golden lotus , whose pan jinlian is the proof of the uncontainable nature of the woman
  • It s just our little part of showing our sympathy , " said nancy dang , one of the owners of the golden lotus
    该餐厅的一位老板nancy dang说:我们觉得这是我们的本分,我们只是略尽棉薄之力来表达内心的悲悯。
  • The golden lotus restaurant in the downtown area donated its entire take from monday - us 1 , 750 - to the red cross . " we feel it s our duty
    位于市中心的金莲素食餐厅,将其自周一以来的营业收入1 , 750元美金,悉数捐给红十字会。
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"golden lotus"造句  
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